Saturday, November 29, 2003

Service Times et al.

Church is at 10:00 on Sundays and is followed by Coffee Hour. Visitors are welcomed warmly.

Advent and Lent, Holy Eucharist Rite I
All other Sundays, Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Second Sundays-Quarterly - Morning Prayer, Rt. I

The annual Brick Church service is at 11:00 am, Rite I, and followed by a covered dish picnic. The Brick Church Service for 2018 will be April 8.  Please join us. Preacher, our Vicar, the Rev. Dr. Jennie C. Olbrych.

Children's Christian Ed program and Nursery is 10:00 in the Parish House with the children joining us at the Peace. Children, of course, are always welcome to attend and participate in the service.

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